The Power of Even/Over Statements
⏳ Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes
🛠 Try It Out: Download our Even/Over Statement Worksheet to start prioritizing with intention.Making trade-offs is inevitable, but when priorities lack clarity, decisions can derail. In this post, we’ll explore how Even/Over statements can help you and your team align on what matters most—turning competing priorities into purposeful action.
Create Clarity for You & Your Team
Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly making trade-offs. Picture this: you’re standing in the yogurt aisle, debating between sugar content, protein levels, food dye, whether it’s dairy or vegan, taste, and packaging. Every choice involves weighing what matters most—even over something else. We do this everywhere—in our homes, our communities, and certainly at work.
Now, let’s zoom in on work. In organizations, we often label everything as a priority. But here’s the catch: when everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. When priorities lack clarity, decisions are often driven by the loudest voices in the room, the most urgent fires, or individual interpretations of what's important. This dynamic can leave us spinning our wheels on reactive work rather than investing in what truly drives impact.
That’s where Even/Over statements come in. They are simple, yet powerful tools to name, align, and act on your most critical trade-offs. Let’s explore how they work, how to craft them, and how to use them effectively.
What Are Even/Over Statements?
Even/Over statements articulate your values and priorities in a way that makes trade-offs explicit. They are a structured way of saying, “We value this even over that.” For example:
Collaboration even over individual speed.
Long-term sustainability even over short-term wins.
Depth of impact even over breadth of reach.
These statements don’t diminish the value of the second item; rather, they clarify which one takes precedence when the two inevitably come into conflict. This clarity empowers teams to make aligned decisions without constant back-and-forth or confusion.
Why Are Even/Over Statements So Powerful?
They prevent decision fatigue: Instead of debating priorities on the fly, teams have a framework to guide their choices.
They reduce reactive firefighting: By naming what matters most, you can avoid the “loudest voice wins” dynamic and focus on the work that aligns with your goals.
They foster alignment and autonomy: When everyone understands the trade-offs, individuals can confidently make decisions that support the broader vision.
They create a shared language: Even/Over statements provide a shorthand for complex decisions, making it easier to navigate competing demands.
What Makes a Good Even/Over Statement? A Checklist
Crafting effective Even/Over statements requires intention and clarity. Use this checklist to ensure your statements hit the mark:
Both items are positive and favorable: Each side of the statement should represent something desirable. If flipping the statement makes it nonsensical or undesirable, revise it.
Example of a poor statement: “We value community engagement even over inefficiency.”
Example of a good statement: “We value inclusive processes even over quick decision-making.”Focus on trade-offs, not absolutes: Avoid suggesting that one value is unimportant. The goal is to clarify which value takes precedence when in conflict.
Poor: “We value impact even over money.”
Good: “We value alignment with our mission even over unrestricted funding.”Be specific and actionable: The statement should reflect a clear choice, not a vague idea.
Poor: “We value teamwork even over independence.”
Good: “We value shared problem-solving even over individual speed.”Align with values and goals: Ensure your statement reflects your team’s shared mission and vision.
Test the flip: Reverse the statement to see if it still sounds logical and reflects a meaningful choice.
Original: “We value collaboration even over individual recognition.”
Flipped: “We value individual recognition even over collaboration.”
If both versions could theoretically apply, you’re on the right track.
Limit the number of statements: Focus on 3-5 key priorities to avoid overcomplication.
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How to Develop Even/Over Statements
Developing Even/Over statements takes intentionality, reflection, and collaboration. Here’s a step-by-step approach:
Start with your values and goals: What does success look like for your team or organization? Identify your core values and priorities.
Identify common trade-offs: Reflect on scenarios where competing priorities arise. What choices have caused friction or required clarification in the past?
Draft and test: Write statements that are specific, actionable, and relevant. Use the format: We value [X] even over [Y]. Then test them by applying them to real-world decisions.
Collaborate: Involve your team in refining the statements. This builds buy-in and ensures the trade-offs resonate across the group.
Limit the number: Focus on 3-5 core Even/Over statements to avoid overcomplicating the process. Prioritization is key!
Want to do this with your team? Here is a template worksheet.
Examples of Even/Over Statements in Nonprofits
Here are some examples tailored to nonprofits:
We value long-term impact even over short-term wins.
We value equitable processes even over fast decision-making.
We value shared ownership even over individual recognition.
We value meaningful engagement even over large participation numbers.
We value investing in our team’s well-being even over expanding our reach.
We value community voices even over external expertise.
We value adaptability even over adherence to tradition.
We value depth of service even over breadth of programs.
We value proactive communication even over reactive problem-solving.
We value alignment with our mission even over securing funding.
How to Use Even/Over Statements in Practice
Once you’ve crafted your Even/Over statements, the real work begins. Here’s how to integrate them into your daily operations:
Embed them in decision-making: Use Even/Over statements as a litmus test for evaluating decisions. For example, when planning a project timeline, ask: “Are we prioritizing depth even over speed as we said we would?”
Revisit regularly: Priorities evolve. Review your Even/Over statements periodically to ensure they still reflect your values and goals.
Use them to resolve conflicts: When disagreements arise, refer back to the statements. They act as a neutral guide for making tough calls.
Communicate them clearly: Share Even/Over statements widely, from onboarding new team members to presenting strategic plans. The more they’re understood, the more effective they’ll be.
Final Thoughts: Making Trade-Offs Visible
Even/Over statements help us acknowledge the inevitable trade-offs we face and make those trade-offs intentional. Instead of letting the loudest voices or hottest fires dictate our focus, we can prioritize with clarity and confidence. They ensure we stay aligned on what matters most—even in the yogurt aisle of life.
What trade-offs is your team currently grappling with? How might an Even/Over approach bring clarity and focus to your work? Start small, test the waters, and watch as decision-making becomes clearer, faster, and more aligned with your shared goals.
📅 Ready to Prioritize with Intention?
Let's bring Even/Over strategies to your team. Schedule a one-on-one consultation with me to explore how we can tailor these principles to your organization's needs.