Our Vision

A thriving community where women and non-binary leaders in the social impact sector support, inspire, and empower each other to create lasting change.

Who We Are

The Lake Superior Impact Collective is a dynamic network of mission-driven women and non-binary individuals leading the charge in the Duluth/Superior social impact sector.

Upcoming events.

We host a variety of events. Some structured networking events and other informal coffee get togethers. You can find upcoming events in the calendar here.

What We Offer

Networking Events

Regular gatherings to connect, share ideas, and build relationships. Unique spaces are fostered to allow for skill-sharing, community building, and collaboration.

Cultivate Connections

Beyond our in person events, the Brico Works team is dedicated to building a strong community. We cultivate connections.

Online Community

Coming in 2025, a digital space for community building among non-binary and women changemakers!

Join the collective!

Join the collective!

If you are interested in joining, please fill out the simple form below to officially become part of the group. We look forward to welcoming you!