hey, changemaker!

We partner with impact organizations in evolving how work gets done, so you can focus on doing good, better.

Changing how we work on the other hand… that can feel next to impossible. Nonprofits and social enterprises are tackling challenges everyday that the world has yet to solve, yet our playbooks are outdated. It’s time to reimagine how to blaze trails and make magic.

Changing the world is possible. We’ve done it before.

Co-create the future of nonprofit magic making with Us

We don't just talk innovation and change, we live it! Join us in the beta zone, where we test, tweak, and grow alongside bold nonprofits like yours. Be part of the change you want to see, while shaping the future of our services with early access and insider insights.

Ready to roll up your sleeves and experiment?

What We Do

At Brico Works, we are change designers for nonprofits and social enterprises. We believe that by equipping leaders and teams with change capabilities and partnering to design the paths for change organizations can evolve into adaptive spaces that look and feel easier (not easy, but easier) to work and thrive in.

Consulting & Coaching

Our service blends personalized coaching and expert consulting to inspire your team, unlock your organization's potential, and drive growth and innovation.

Workshops & Courses

Making our work accessible at multiple levels is a priority. That’s why we provide courses and workshops in change design, tailored for both individuals and teams.

Brico Collective & Change Lab

The Brico Collective and Change Lab: Vibrant hubs for social change leaders to connect with others, learn and apply new ways of working.

Join our email list to get updates on new courses, cohorts & programs.

Goodbye Frustration, Hello Flow.

At Brico we are driven by outcomes you can see and feel. We believe that the potential for greatness already lives inside your team and organization. We find ways to unleash it by moving:

From managing change like a project
To building change capabilities across the organization.

From overwhelming workloads and burnout
To intentional practices to work on what matters.

From a lack of operational models or tools
To crafting new tools, teams, and flows for greater impact.

And more…